Publications and Insights

Our approach is backed by years of research and expertise. Key publications include:

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Malik, M. (2024), “Risk governance and regulatory adjustments in the public commercial banks of OECD”, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 266-289.
  • Malik, M. (2024). Risk governance and bank risk of public commercial banks of OECD. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 14(1), 19–34.
  • Malik, M. (2023). Risk governance and financial performance of public commercial banks of the OECD. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 13(4), 58–72.

Work in Progress

  • Malik, M. and Green, P. Risk governance and customer trust in the banks of OECD.
  • Malik, M. Aureli, S., and Brighi, P. The Existence and Role of Bank Risk Committees around the Global Financial Crisis. Forthcoming.
  • Brighi, P., Mussoni, M., Vezzani, P., and Malik, M. Supervisory and Management Approach to Remuneration Policies of European Banks.

Conference and Seminar Presentations

  • Malik, M. and Green, P. (2023). Risk Governance and Customer Trust in Public Commercial Banks of OECD. Presentation at 11th Annual Conference on Risk Governance: Risk Governance in Transformation. University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany.
  • Malik, M., Aureli, S., and Brighi, P. (2023). The Existence and Role of Bank Risk Committees around the Global Financial Crisis. Presentation in Wolpertinger Annual Conference, University of Vaasa, Finland.
  • Malik, M. (2022). Risk Governance and Financial Performance of Public Commercial Banks of OECD. World Finance and Banking Symposium, Miami, United States.
  • Discussion: Bernardelli, M. and Próchniak, M. (2022). Financial sector stability and macroeconomic performance on the basis of turning points identification. SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland. World Finance and Banking Symposium, Miami, United States.
  • Malik, M. (2022). Risk Governance and Financial Performance of Public Commercial Banks of OECD. Presentation at 10th Annual Conference Risk Governance Courageous Risk Governance: Enabling Resilience, Autonomy, and New Thinking. University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany.
  • Malik, M. (2022). Brown-Bag: Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics: Risk governance and risk-taking of public commercial banks of OECD.
  • Malik, M. (2021). Risk governance and risk-taking of public commercial banks of OECD. World Finance and Banking Symposium Budapest (Corvinus University Budapest).
  • Discussion: Cao, F., Xuan, Y., Yuaan, R., and Zou, H. (2021). Governance by One-Lot Shares. World Finance and Banking Symposium Budapest (Corvinus University Budapest).
  • Malik, M. (2021). Risk governance and risk-taking of public commercial banks of OECD. MODAVICA 2021, 18th International Conference on Accounting, New Dynamics of Accounting – Transformation in Theory and Practice.
  • Malik, M. (2021). Risk governance and risk-taking of public commercial banks of OECD. 9th Annual Conference Risk Governance – Risk Governance: Culture Matters! University of Siegen, Germany (virtual).
  • Discussion: Pedro, C.P., Ramalho, J.S., and da Silva, V.J. (2021). How to measure banking regulation and supervision. Session 50 – Banking and Financial Institutions. World Finance Conference Norway (virtual).
  • Malik, M. (2020). Risk governance, risk-taking behavior and financial performance of the public commercial banks of OECD. World Finance & Banking Symposium (virtual).
  • Discussion: Sousa, A, Pimentel, R., and Flores, E. (2020). Macro variables and the Prediction of Out-of-Sample Bank Financial Performance. University of São Paulo (Brazil). World Finance & Banking Symposium (virtual).
  • Malik, M. (2018). Risk behavior of US banks in the presence of risk committees. Accepted in pre-conference doctoral colloquium for discussion at 4th ICGS Annual Conference, Navigating Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets, Fudan School of Management, Shanghai, China.
  • Malik, M. (2018). Basel as a general indicator for German credit institutions. Accepted for presentation at International Conference “Corporate Governance: A New Perspective in Scholarly Research”, Izmir, Turkey.

These insights form the foundation of our expertise and commitment to delivering cutting-edge risk governance solutions.

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